1. Connection Issues
I don’t think this is only an INFJ issue, but daaaang. When I was 20, it was the first time I had ever felt genuine human connection. The friend that I was most compatible with was an ESTP. I literally need an app to find all ESTPs or something because I have missed out on the best person in the world for the longest time. They forget a lot. They love a lot. They are loyal to the core. Don’t let them go!
2. Perfectionism
When everyone feels like you’re going to change the world somehow and you are just crying on the bathroom floor in a pool of tears without any hope for the future…take a step back for a reality check. Go journal about all the good things in your life. If you’re a girl, check to see when your period is coming. And breathe.
3. Never. Being. Certain.
I mean this especially about romantic interests. It may be connected to me having extreme trust issues, but I don’t find anyone attractive. Not that people aren’t attractive… It’s like there is a glaze over my eyes. I’ll be like, “I think they are attractive…I think…maybe…” Other people will confirm it, but I can’t feel it for some reason. I think it came from me not wanting to believe that anyone was unattractive and so I convinced myself that everyone was equal…but not being able to see it is…frustrating.
4. Dramatic Inside, Chill Outside
It always comes as a shock to me when people will say I’m chill. At times, I am feeling chill. Other times, it’s like my brain would explode if I wasn’t trying to will it to stay closed. The chill exterior is me overthinking every possible outcome to my future and hoping that it doesn’t end in complete chaos. Especially since someone came up to me a second ago and gave me a look that I’ll be analyzing for the next hour hoping to outmaneuver their intentions. It’s like a never-ending game of chess. And the INFJ must know exactly how to checkmate. (But we don't always checkmate...)
Note: This was written to make someone out there feel less lonely in the struggle of life.
Thanks for reading!